Let’s Get Started

Seven-Week Group Coaching Program for Practitioners and Creatives

Gain Clarity

Release Self-Doubt

Get Started…and Keep Going.

Big dreams unfold through small and aligned steps.

If you’re an emerging practitioner or a creative, and you’re so ready to finally share your purpose-work (your art, your coaching, or your healing services) with the world.

And take bigger leaps to live more fully and get out of your comfort zone…

The hardest part is just getting started (or re-starting)…

It can feel like all you see are the obstacles.

Limiting thoughts play on repeat:

“I don’t know where to begin. I don’t know what I’m doing.”

And even though a part of you knows you want to make powerful changes and work on your goals…

Overwhelm takes over and you find yourself procrastinating and avoiding taking action.

Clarity is found through action.

And it’s not just the overwhelm that keeps you stuck.

The vision of your desired-future is blurry.

And what you want feels out of reach.

But getting clear on your goals and believing that you can achieve them…

Is a matter of taking action, from exactly where you are, while navigating uncertainty as you move forward.

Moving through phases of doubt and uncertainty is possible and can even be exciting…

When you feel safe, seen, and supported throughout the journey.

When you’re in a group of uplifting and encouraging women who see your success as an extension of their own.

And you feel equipped with powerful somatic tools that help you to move through fear, self-doubt, and overwhelm…

And not only that:

By giving yourself permission to follow your heart-felt desires…

You feel more confident, empowered, and energized in all aspects of your life.

If you’re ready to create your dreams alongside a group of uplifting and open-hearted women…

Then let’s get started.

Program Details

The Seven-Week Transformational Journey Includes:

  • Seven 90-minute group coaching sessions

  • Access to a private online group page to share insights and resources, and to feel nourished and uplifted outside of weekly sessions

  • A 1:1 coaching check-in halfway through the program to keep you feeling encouraged throughout

Plus a Bonus Session:

  • A free 60-minute 1:1 coaching session (valued at $200 CAD) with Julia for early bird sign-ups.

Early Bird Package Summary:

10.5 Hours of Live Group Coaching

90 minutes of 1:1 Coaching (Check-in + Session) (Value $250 CAD)

Private Group Page Access

Spots are limited to six to keep the group’s energy powerful and potent!

This program is for you if you want to:

Share your purpose-work (your art or your services) with the world and consistently take action.


Get out of your head and into your heart.

Wake up feeling excited.

Learn tools to move past fear, self-doubt, and procrastination.

Let go of the fear of being seen.

Show up more fully in the world while feeling empowered and grounded.

Feel clarity and commitment to a path that lights you up.

Feel more free and flexible, and adaptable to life’s challenges.

Develop solid boundaries and express yourself more.

Connect to your innate self-worth and allow abundance into your life.

What people are saying

“Before this program I was feeling stuck and unmotivated. I was not someone who “thrived” during the pandemic. I had become not confident in myself and my choices. The program allowed me to share these feelings in a safe space with other people going through similar emotions. It was great to be guided and learn actively how I can improve my life. I would totally recommend this to anyone that needs a boost!”

- Alexa English

Testimonials from Programs & Events


“Julia creates a warm and welcoming space where you feel safe to share and be vulnerable. She asked great questions to get the conversation going and made everyone feel seen and included.”

“Julia Truland is a true community builder! I'm new to the world of entrepreneurship and it has been SO helpful to connect with her and attend events like these. I was able to meet other supportive women with similar business offerings and really begin to feel at home in my business.

Thank you!”


“I was very impressed at Julia's group leadership because she really allowed for the group conversation to flow organically. She did not seem rushed or worried about getting a word in. She led with so much grace and presence.”

— Tricia

I left the event feeling so inspired and uplifted! I had a bit of insecurities before meeting with this group of amazing women. However, after speaking with them it was obvious that I’m not alone in my journey. It was so nice to connect with like-minded women! Very beneficial and would love to do it again.

Thank you Julia!

Hey there, I'm Julia

I used to find it so difficult and overwhelming to follow through with goals and creative ideas I had. On a higher level…I felt debilitating doubt that what I wanted in life was even possible to create.

I had endless ideas for side hustles…but I could never seem to get started.

And I wanted a job with more freedom where I could help people with my aptitudes and gifts, but it felt impossible.

What I realized after over a decade of personal healing and development work…and after creating my own heart-based coaching business after years of wanting to…

When you acknowledge even just one of your goals or ideas and work with the body and nervous system to create safety and release limiting beliefs…

The small steps forward lead into bigger leaps, and the journey takes you to a whole new level of personal empowerment and freedom.

If you have ideas, goals, and hidden heart-desires that you’re ready to take action on.

Let’s get started.

I’ve been in your shoes.

Fill in the form to reserve your spot for the next Let’s Get Started.

"Julia really saw and heard me, which for me is so rare. I can't wait to work with her again" - Shanna, Victoria, BC

"Julia really saw and heard me, which for me is so rare. I can't wait to work with her again" - Shanna, Victoria, BC

“Julia is an incredible coach. She created a safe space for me to talk and I was blown away. Her energy was gentle yet so powerful. I had actionable steps that I could implement immediately, which was amazing. I definitely feel a shift in my energy, I highly recommend working with Julia!”

— Charlotte Gnomes

“Julia holds space so well, I don't know how she does it. She carries so much poise, grace, and ease.”

- Dani

Group coaching with Julia helped me unfold into a place of greater authenticity with myself and to feel empowered to embrace my inner experiences.

- Kristen

“It was a safe experience and this safety element provided an opportunity for me to consider paths and opportunities that I have been reluctant to explore that could lead me to more purpose and meaning in my life. Thanks so much Julia! Your expertise in this area, professionalism, and authentic approach to inner well-being is a fabulous combination.”

- Kelly, Victoria BC

“Since working with Julia, I am reminded to keep coming back to compassion with everything I meet in my day. Julia was lovely to work with - her kind, soft, and graceful delivery were much appreciated and facilitated beautiful insights. I am very grateful to have worked with Julia and thank her for her warmth, ease, and love.”

- Carolyn

“Julia held a space that was so safe and supportive. She was able to help cue and encourage me to become aware of sensations I am feeling. I also loved that she invited me to try and explore a couple of exercises and new activities that will encourage grounding and bring me to a flow state. I was able to learn more about myself and how to connect with my intuition. I feel so grateful to have connected with Julia”
